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1 初期の伝記
2 形成
3 キャリア
4 執筆 Influence References Sources
8 Further reading


ゴッドフリーは、少なくとも1277年までにパリ大学の学生でしたが、おそらく1270年には、サンタサビーナスタジアム州からパリに戻ったトマスアクィナス( 1269-1272 )の第2摂政中にそこにいた可能性が高いためです。 。アクィナスの教えはおそらくゴッドフリー自身の考えに最も強い影響を与えたが、彼は個性化の原理や物質的なものの本質と存在の区別などの問題については異なっていた。彼の学生時代のノートは、1271年から1274年頃の日付で、「ブラバンのシゲルとダキアのボエティウスによって提案された」見解に精通していることを示しています。、当時の芸術学部における急進的なアリストテレス運動の主要な代表者。


Quodlibetal VIIIでは、ゴッドフリーはフランシスコ会のキリスト教秩序に反対し、自然の権利の考えについて議論する政治哲学の初期の基礎を築きました。ゴッドフリーは、自然法は宗教的義務ではなく個人の自己保存に依存していると信じていました。彼は、「自然法により、各人は自分の人生を維持する義務があるため…各人はこの世界の一般的な外装品に支配権と一定の権利を持っており、彼は合法的に放棄することはできません」と述べています。コンラッド・サメンハートの個人の権利の理論。彼は、フランシスコ会の権利に対する基本的なアプローチは、人間の活動と自然の権利に対して違法であると反対しています。彼は後で、誰もが自給自足する権利、つまり人々が決して放棄することのできない権利を持っていると言います。これは、社会のすべてのメンバーに適用されるため、托鉢修道会に適用されます。
Stephen D. Dumont quotes Godfrey, in the book Philosophical Debates at Paris in the Early 14th Century, that “Medieval sources are nearly unanimous in identifying Godfrey as a prominent source for the unusual but very influential account of intention and remission known as the ‘succession of forms.” As explained by Dumont, Intension and remission of forms concerns the problem of a change of degree within a given kind of quality, like the shading of a color, adjustment of heat or even the altering of moral or cognitive habits. Godfrey held the position that all specific forms are “in their nature indivisible, invariable, and lacking in degrees” (43) and “the specific form of a quality in itself does not undergo any intension or remission but does so insofar as it is individuated in a subject.” This line of thought differs drastically from other thinkers around this time like Thomas Aquinas and Henry of Ghent, who held that there was a variation of specific forms which are a divisible extensions. Godfrey refutes their claims through the reasoning that because qualities cannot change in degree because they are indivisible then they must change insofar as they are individuals, so he concludes that a “change in degree in an individual quality will also be a change of the individual itself, even when its species remains the same”.
Nine other noteworthy topics that Godfrey wrote about in the Quodlibetal are Subject of metaphysics, Division of being, Analogy of being, Transcendentals, Essence and existence, Knowledge of God’s existence and essence, eternity of the world, Substance and accidents, and Abstraction

The XIV Quodlibeta of Godfrey, extensively studied and multiplied in manuscript form in the medieval schools, were published for the first time at the beginning of the 20th century. A critical edition of the first four of them appeared in the series “Les Philosophes Belges, Textes et Etudes” (II, “Les quatre premiers Quodlibets de Godefroid de Fontaines”, by de Wulf and Pelzer, Louvain, 1904).
Sometime in the 14th century, Godfrey, though well known in his own time, fell out of favour into near-total obscurity. Thomas Aquinas sparked plenty of controversy and discussion in philosophy and theology in the last quarter century of the 13th century. Many significant writers lived during this period, but for the most part, until the 20th century only Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus received any recognition. Godfrey may have been just as significant in his own time as these two, yet for some reason his works were only edited and published as of the early 20th century. This may have more to do with his political affiliation than anything else. Religious Scholars of this time became well known in the long run based mainly on how well promoted they were by the mendicant orders. Thomas Aquinas was promoted by the Dominican order, and Duns Scotus was promoted by the Franciscan order. Despite this, Godfrey of Fontaines writings have, by the 1960s, regained much popularity.

^ Accessed 3-6-2013

Wippel, John. Godfrey of Fontaines, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2001 Edition).
Bernd Goebel (2010). “Godfrey of Fontaines”. In Bautz, Traugott (ed.). Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL) (in German). Vol. 31. Nordhausen: Bautz. ISBN 978-3-88309-544-8.

Further reading
Dales, R. (1990). Medieval Discussions of the Eternity of the World. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
De Wulf, M. (1904). Un théologien-philosophe du XIIIe siècle. Étude sur la vie, les oeuvres et l’influence de Godefroid de Fontaines. Brussels: M. Hayez.
Duin, J.J. (1959). La bibliothèque philosophique de Godefroid de Fontaines, Estudios Lulianos 3, pp. 21–36, 136-60.
Marrone, S. (2001). The Light of Thy Countenance. Science and Knowledge of God in the Thirteenth Century. Vol. 2: God at the Core of Cognition. Leiden: Brill.
Putallaz, F.X. (1995). Insolente liberté. Controverses et condemnations au XIIIe siècle. Fribourg: Éditions Universitaires/Paris: Éditions du Cerf.
Wippel, J.F. (1981). The Metaphysical Thought of Godfrey of Fontaines. A Study in Late Thirteenth-Century Philosophy. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
Wippel, J.F. (1984). Possible Sources for Godfrey of Fontaines’ Views on the Act-Potency Composition of Simple Creatures, Mediaeval Studies 44 (1984), pp. 222–44.
Wippel, J.F. (1986). The Role of the Phantasm in Godfrey of Fontaines’ Theory of Intellection, in C. Wenin, ed., L’homme et son univers au moyen âge (Actes du septième congrès internationale de philosophie médiévale [30 Août-4 Septembre 1982]), Vol. 2, pp. 573–82.
Wippel, J.F. (2001). Godfrey of Fontaines at the University of Paris in the Last Quarter of the Thirteenth Century, in J.A. Aertsen, K. Emery, Andreas Speer, eds., Nach der Verurteilung von 1277. Philosophie und Theologie an der Universität von Paris im letzten Viertel des 13. Jahrhunderts. Studien und Texte (Miscellanea Mediaevalia, 28) Berlin-New York: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 359–89.


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